Mach mehr aus deinen Leads

Damit ein Lead auch ein Lead bleibt, muss alles im Backoffice reibungslos laufen. Vertraue auf hochautomatisierte Prozesse und Toolsets von CloudPulse.

Create your workspace & make life easier.

Vault is your online team management tool that easy and prompt.

Integrates your tools

Connect vault with the software you use.

Use machine learning with first-party data to generate an endless amount of audiences for your marketing & advertising channels.

Bring all team management & tasks together.

Accurately predict short and long-term customer outcomes and take action with forward-looking data.

Create task for any team person

Make timeframe to do the task

Get task completed by your members


Reason to choose us

Great Interface

Low Price
Great Support
& more…




Why should you choose Vault tools.

Sync to any marketing channel for targeting, or run multi-cell holdout experiments to prove lift.

Let’s Discover our all features.

File sharing

File sharing

Always-on, predictive acquisition and retention. Acquire new and repeat customers across.

Team Managment

Team Managment

Prove incrementality using multi-cell lift tests, with holdouts. This is real performance.

Time Tracking

Time Tracking

Integrate with your Google or Microsoft calendar and get your personalized booking page.

Voice & video call

Voice & video call

Automatically detect your customers’ time zones and ensure everyone sees times.

Cloud storage

Cloud storage

Customizable confirmations, reminders and follow-ups for you and your customers.

Check what our clients say about us.

Our partners

Our trusted partners support us all the time.

Pricing Plans

No hidden charges! Choose your plan.

Silver Plan


Great for Individuals

Get your 30 day free trial
Gold Plan


Great for Startup
Get your 30 day free trial
Business Plan


Great for Large Business
Get your 30 day free trial
Silver Plan


Great for Individuals

Get your 30 day free trial
Gold Plan


Great for Startup
Get your 30 day free trial
Business Plan


Great for Large Business
Get your 30 day free trial

Need a Custom Plan?

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Ready to take a plan? It’s just a matter of clike

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